Thursday, April 17, 2014

Friend Crushes

It's harder to get someone to fall in love with you than it is to force friendship upon them, and that is why friend crushes are better than actual crushes. It's something I've resorted to as my heart has begun to slowly freeze over.

People in general intrigue me, and when I see or meet someone interesting I usually develop a minor or major obsession with them, depending. That is what has happened recently. A few weeks ago Clarissa met this guy who looks like Louis Tomlinson and subsequently calls him Sweet Prince. Sweet Prince has this friend who I've seen everywhere since the beginning of the semester LIKE EVERYWHERE, and I don't even try, that's the plot twist!!! And this guy, Sweet Prince's friend who I am not going to name, has another friend who I also see e v e r y w h e r e. Everywhere. All over campus and off-campus too. So it's a sign from the heavens I'm assuming.

Anyway, the point of that was I have a huge friend crush on these people because they seem like very intellectual hipsters who shower only twice a week and keep bike chain oil on a bookshelf next to their weathered copy of Beowulf. I have this longing to be their friend, to email them (because they're too hip for texting), to make homemade, vegan chai tea with them, to share poetry with them, etc. Does this even make sense? I don't know I just ate a Subway sandwich. 

My friend Abbie had a friend crush on me and I had a friend crush on her, and now she's one of my closest friends, so it does work. I did not, however, have a friend crush on Clarissa, but that was kind of written in the stars. I had a friend crush on my RA for a while, and now he's my friend. I also had a huge friend crush on Matthew and I think I'm going to marry him.

I only have one warning: friend crushes can easily manifest themselves into real crushes and then you're just screwed because one of my friend crushes is also a real crush and my knees buckled this morning when I saw him. 

There is nothing more flattering than when someone wants to be your friend, so go admit your friend crushes and avoid sending a Facebook request first, take it from personal experience.

Warmest regards,