Thursday, September 5, 2013

Yes, Hello, It Is Me.

Well hello. Here I am! At my computer, on a Wednesday night... whooo college. After an 11 PM snack of ramen, an episode of Catfish, and some deep thought in my cramped, not-so-sanitary shower, I have arrived at the conclusion that I’m going to document every day of college from here on out (but on my laptop rather than in a notebook because my hands are weak and there's not built-in spellcheck.) Whilst writing this throughout my freshman year I’m going to be pretending I’m speaking to an audience... probably just an audience of one... me... because to be frank, I’m doing this for my own sanity. Whether or not any of this will lead to a book in the future (a girl can dream!!!!!!!!), I’d just like to have this as a reminder for the rest of my life of the crazy adventures I’ve gotten into with my three best friends, as well as documentation of how I’m feeling on a day to day basis (because I’m an emotional one and sometimes no one is there to hear you rant so you just gotta take matters into your own hands, i.e. Ben & Jerry’s and the Harry Styles tag on Tumblr... or starting a blog.) I guess you could call this a progressive coming-of-age story. You see, there are lots of things I want to accomplish, not just in my life, but in these next four years and I’m ready to seek out adventure! *yawns and adjusts oscillating fan* By doing so, I will most likely “discover myself,” but don’t look at this like Eat, Pray, Love (there will be less sex and more awkwardness in this, I can assure you right now.) College is the time to learn more about yourself and seek out your place in this world. Being a mere 18 years old, and despite me often thinking otherwise, I only know a sliver about the “real world.”  Underneath all this sass, attitude, forced humor, and teenage/college-age angst, my life at the moment can pretty much be summed up by a cliché Taylor Swift lyric: “[I’m] happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time." Swifty over here is notorious for complaining about boys and life (how someone can still find reasons to complain after dating Harry Styles and a Kennedy within the past year is beyond me), but this lyric is the only lyric of hers I can/will ever relate to, and it'll probably be my emotional state for awhile until I learn the tricks and trades of life or until I become Oprah or Michelle Obama. Anyway, Harry, Taylor, Oprah, and Michelle aside, I guess this little blog thing will be my way of ranting, staying sane, and in general, just enjoying this college experience while trying to forget about the fact that I'm subjecting myself to the typical American dream. So if you'd like to read along, gr8! If not, 'don't shoot me in the face, I'm an actor.' 

So with that, I leave you with the words of one of my gr8est chums, Lyss, "When the going gets tough, the tough go to Taco Bell."

Peace, love, and Joe Sugg.

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