Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Adulthood :(

Being an adult is really hard, that’s what I’ve learned as of late. But I can’t tell if it is adulthood that’s hard or just life in general. Life as a middle-class college student, that is. When you’re younger, you sort of romanticize this idea of aging and getting older and having more responsibility, but let me tell you one thing yung kids, it’s hard and sometimes I wish I was that 8th grade girl with flare out khakis who only had to worry about turning my homework in on time and my mom buying me ugly lunchboxes (she always did every year). I’m hardly an adult. I’m a mere 19, but I have an apartment, a full load of classes, writing for the college newspaper, and additional job hunting to look forward to in about a month. Hardly anything to complain about considering what most people in this country have to juggle daily, but vastly different than the “wake up 10 minutes before class starts and eat a protein bar” routine I was accustomed to this past year. 

Cleaning is also an annoying tidbit that's considered "necessary" and "civil." Always making sure everything is tidy and clean, like your bathroom and your car, seems like a waste of time and energy, but I guess it's not. I’ve found having a clear space everywhere makes everything 10 times more enjoyable. And don’t even get me started on money. Money is and will always be the most necessary and the most detrimental thing to happen to a person. Obviously we need it to survive, but what do we need to buy with it to survive? I like having money; money to spend, money to by nice gifts for my family and friends with, money to donate, etc., etc. But it is incredibly difficult to save it, at least a portion of it, after you’ve worked so hard for it. Do I really need a bottle of $17 shampoo? Is another flannel button down really needed in my closet? Is a $5 coffee drink consisting mostly of sugar and fat a morning necessity? The worst thing though is gas. Gas will get the best of you especially if you drive a car that only takes premium :( :( :( and the rumors that manual cars get better mileage are FALSE!!!! The worst days are usually days when I spend close to $50 filling up my small Jetta. Please, that’s horrendous.  

Aside from gas I think the most difficult thing about turning into an adult is learning how to deal with people. But it’s better to figure it out now than when you’re a 45-year-old mother who sits at the picnic table gossiping with the other moms at your kids’ soccer practice. Approaching annoying situations with grace is really hard, but it will pay off in the end even though all you’ll want to do is crawl into bed and have your mom handle it for you, which by the way, my mom never did. A feat that I now appreciate. It is frustrating and almost tear-jerking learning how to handle different situations with different types of people, but that’s a crucial part of growing up and many people don’t figure that out until it’s too late. 

The key to being a grown up is pretending you are a grown up. Trick everyone into thinking you’re much more pulled together than you actually are, and you will most likely pull yourself together eventually. Some people are more pulled together than others, but having your life in order, financially, relationally, and mentally, sticking to your responsibilities, and limit spending money so gas prices don’t hurt so much is always the better way to go. But always laugh at the occasional fart joke. Life's too short not to laugh at fart jokes. The days of waking up after 11 a.m. and watching Scrubs or other subpar sitcoms for a full 12 hours are gone :( Soon your back and hip will ache, you will develop cankles, and start wearing compression socks to work, (omg I’m literally 19), and then someday you might have a spouse who you’ll have to cook for and wash clothes for, and then after that you’ll create little humans who will take all your energy and money, and then you'll have no money for gas. I'm moving to the jungle and living in a tree house I will build with my Tarzan-esque husband. We won't have to worry about gas or dealing with other people there!!!!!

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