Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"The Gang's All Here!"

Solid friendships can be hard to come by, and I’ve realized that when it happens, it’s easy to take it for granted. That’s how it is for me, anyway. Ever have those moments where you look around at the people you’re with and you think “ahhh, I just love you all.” It could be your best friend, your boyfriend or girlfriend,  your puppy, your microwavable ravioli. Whatever it is, in that moment you’re just really grateful for them. Ever since starting college, I’ve felt so overwhelmed with the people who surround me that I’ve woken up every day thanking God for them. It’s so easy to go through your normal day and not take any notice of your best friends or your family because they’re your constants. But I don't think I could ever get bored with my friends. When we’re together, my friends and I are the strangest people. Not strange or weird in the way that most people brag about their friends, but like yelling “CAN YOU STOP FARTING I HAVE ASTHMA” to the nearest bystander weird. Some call our personalities aggressive, others have said we are worse than a boy's sense of humor, but I’d argue that we're straight up hilarity, and those who don’t laugh at it are usually given the stink eye. I think we’ve all tried to somehow document our experiences, but so much happens that it’s hard to fully capture it. I do hope that our life adventures end up as a book someday. Maybe our parents will laugh at it, idk. What we do in real life is what most people would laugh at in a movie theater or on TV, but from my experience, it seems like it freaks them out in real life. If you know any one of us, you’ll understand. You’ve probably been a victim before.

I wouldn’t call these people my best friends. They’re actually like my sisters. We’re so close that saying we’re friends gives us no justice. They’re my family. We’re a family. I’ve known each of them for so long and we’ve grown closer throughout the years. Since having them around has been the norm for me, I thought that most people had what we share. As college freshmen, we’re all going through the transitional stage of being on our own, missing our homes and our families. People have popped their comfort bubble and some are trying out the adult lifestyle for the first time. Even though the same has happened to me, the transition has been easy because of my "crew" (ha ha). The list of why I completely adore them is endless, but a big reason is how, as a group, we are genuinely interested in people and will most likely be your friend if you let us. This is something that I hadn’t realized until someone mentioned it to me the other day. What a compliment! Even though we entertain ourselves and laugh for ten minutes before we go to bed, we're also very thoughtful and reflective, and often times really cheesy. No matter how dumb I'm being or how much of a big deal I'm making something into, I know that they'll always back me up, and they always have. God bless em, best friends in t world ya !

Lyss puts our friendship in a good way...

“Well, we were brought together by fate, it seems. One of those God things. Besties in the same middle school, connected despite our separate high schools, and horrifyingly reunited in college. I'm confident enough to say that we'll remain apart of each others' lives for years to come. You know, being incompetent bridesmaids, poking each others' husbands in the gut, acting as crazy aunts to our various kids, and giving each other mediocre life advice.”

Each of us are so different from one another, yet so similar. It’s a good balance. I’ll start with Mckenzie because I’ve known her the longest, since preschool. I’m actually surprised I haven’t completely driven her to annoyance. She drives me around in Earl, lets me eat her food, and has always gone the extra mile for me when I’ve needed it. Together we have the gift of running into celebrities without realizing they are in the vicinity. She and I have stumbled upon Harry Styles, Niall Horan, and Matt Healy within the past four months. She has a nurturing soul, which shows how she’ll be a wonderful mama someday. People are drawn to her caring, motherly demeanor and she’s easy to feel comfortable around. The one thing she wants most in life is a family, and I can’t wait to see her run her own household. Her creative passion is photography and she’s dang good at it. She’s always up for a beffie photo shoot and makes us look lovely and approachable. She’s often the butt of our jokes because of her dry humor, but we love her more than anything.

Alyssa’s the red headed one of us, although be warned, when you call her that she’ll quickly correct you. “It’s strawberry blond!” She goes by Lyss, loves anything pink and sea-foam green, and is always up for a chat, which usually takes place on the floor of her room where I spend many of my nights. She played four sports throughout high school, won homecoming royalty more times than should be legal, and has stuck with the Jonas Brothers throughout the One Direction craze. The summer before we left for college, she went through a breakup with her boyfriend of two years. Being as understanding as she can be, she forgave me for my love-life ignorance that led me to not be there for her during her darkest hour. She’s bounced back to her usual self and has been bitten by the travel bug. Her first destination? Italy, where she’ll be able to see first-handedly the classic art that she’s studying. I hope to accompany her on this excursion, making it the first of our oversea travels. Lyss’s creative outlet is writing and she has the ability to put into words what many can’t. Plan on reading her novels in the (near) future. 

Clarissa. Known to many as C, Issy, or Clammy. Apparently I say her name a lot and she hates it. It’s hard to describe her in a way that gives her enough credit. Let’s just describe it as me telling my entire class that she is my favorite comedian. She is quite literally the funniest person I’ve ever met. She makes the average day into a comedy show. The jokes she says are so off-the-wall and she completes the disturbing sense of humor we all share. When we’re together, things get weird and people get scared off, but we just consider that “filtering out the bad eggs.” I think a good word to define her is unconventional. And I mean that in the best of ways. She’s different from the average girl and it's refreshing for those who get to know her. Most people see the outgoing side of her, but she also has a reflective side. She loves to travel and experience different cultures. Her dream job? Working as a traveling writer for Rick Steves. She can get discouraged at times, but maybe someday she’ll realize how many people’s days she’s made and how much she’s appreciated and loved by her friends. 

CHEESY. I know. But when you have such idiosyncratic individuals around you, you can’t help but brag. I know at the bottom of my heart that they will all do some crazy things with their lives. So watch out, world eh eh. 

That’s all for now, must go make some evening tea! 

xoxo Gossip Girl

Here we are aw aw
(The crosses on my hands show that I went to a rap battle the night before.)

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