Friday, January 3, 2014


Happy New Year to you! Unless you're Chinese and celebrate at the end of the month. Or you've unfollowed me on Twitter. We're just a mere three days into 2014 and I've already bought a new planner, seen Justin Bieber's movie, and led my team to victory in Guesstures. Off to the races! Take that Ryan Seacrest.

2013 was a good year overall. I learned the disadvantages of procrastinating, I spent far too much money on teeny bop music, movies, and concerts, and enjoyed every second of it, and I won many games of Just Dance. The government shut down, Paula Deen was charged for racial discrimination, and Raquel DeGroot learned how to use her iPad. We tip our hats to 2013 as we move onto the new escapades 2014 holds.

New Year's Eve was spent in the lamest of ways, but not as lame as two years ago when Clarissa and I messaged every one of our Facebook friends "HNY" and laughed about it for four days. This year, I sat in Mckenzie's basement and watched an episode of Downton Abbey before we popped open the bottles of apple cider. Turn down for what? We watched the ball drop, but the TV turned off right as it hit the bottom. A good omen, let's hope.

We often hear "new year, new me" float around during the end of December, but I haven't heard much of that recently. Have we given up on renewing ourselves? I know I have. Are we all turning into cynics? Probably. Abigail Breslin has a blog and posted about the new year a few days ago. I liked what she said so I'm going to take her idea. (Here's the link since copyright infringement seems like a I appreciate how she elaborated on making real resolutions that will better ourselves this year, like not stalking our exes (or celebrities) via interweb. And learning not to settle for anything less than we deserve (but do we truly deserve anything?) While I am no good at sticking to New Year resolutions, I have compiled a short list of what I want to accomplish throughout 2014. I'm determined to not waste this year away! Here they are:

1. Become a better writer.

2. Pay more attention to people and less attention to my phone.

3. Moisturize my hands, lips, and face more often so I remain crust-free by the time I reach my 40s.

4. Finally finish Gossip Girl.

5. Work harder to get where I want to be rather than sit around and complain about my back pains.

6. Fix my back pains.

That's what I've assembled so far. I think the eggs are burning, bye!

xoxo, Z

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