Wednesday, December 25, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Merry Christmas, Lizzie McGuire

The time has come to eject the Nsync Christmas CD because Christmas has once again come and gone. Maybe you woke up early this morning and opened presents with your family, or maybe you've spent the day at the beach in 80 degree California. Or maybe you travelled to the foreign kingdom of Texas to spend the hols with your extended family, where a dog has proceeded to jump on your face and lick your contact out and various family members have been running around like sumo wrestlers. It's normal, really. Whatever you did, I hope it was a blessed day!

I've posted once a day for 25 days, and if you've read along I sincerely thank you. If I were you I would've unfriended me on Facebook by now. Some of the things I've posted are cringeworthy. (Am I really that obsessed with One Direction? Yes.) But I do enjoy writing on this machine and I'm grateful for you, whoever you are, who have read it. I'll probably continue to post a few times a week from here on out, so if you choose to continue to read along, God bless you.

So for the third time, I thank you. And now I leave you with this, along with the lingering sense of Christmas spirit. 

Also, how cool would it be to be a professional dancer? They get paid to groove. BYE!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Middle-Aged Male Celebrities

Did you know Paul Rudd was 43 years old!? Or should I say Paul Stud? ;) Don't look at me!!!!! He's a middle-aged man, but still one of the most good looking specimens left on Earth. I don't think he gets enough credit as an actor or a comedian. In movies, he's often alongside actors like Steve Carell or other big name comedians. I think he's a great, but not just for his face. In the words of Clarissa Davies, it is "disturbing to find out [he] is married."

Love Actually is my favorite movie and Hugh Grant's role makes it all the better. Maybe it's his British accent or his perfectly salt and peppery hair or his sparkly eyes, I don't know. All I know is that he's 53 (not in this picture) and has aged better than Mick Jagger. Hugh Grant me three wishes and you'll be all of them. God bless the United Kingdom!!!!
Despite the minor fact that he's gay, I'd marry Nick Grimshaw in a heartbeat. I adore him and my dream job is to work at the same radio station as him- BBC Radio 1. He has one of the best British accents, has a wheezy laugh like me, and his hair always looks so voluptuous. That's why I consider him my spirit animal!!!! Doesn't a spirit animal have to be an actual animal, you ask. NO, I say. I feel like if I were a man, I'd be him. I'll just admire from afar haha :(
I should go to Target now, taaaa! In the words of the Brits, x

Monday, December 23, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: The 'Awkward Boy' Sense of Style

When you hear about current fashion icons, they're usually women who clad their bodies in overpriced garments and who are dubbed “trendsetters” by the likes of Karl Lagerfeld. Women dress like other trendy women and men dress like other fashionable men... or like the mannequins at Kohls. That’s just how it’s been. I wouldn’t say I have a huge sense of style, but I have noticed over the years that I gravitate towards the more masculine styles. And Harry Styles. I like oversized sweaters, button downs, denim jackets, baggy shirts, etc. Some men who have admirable wardrobes include: John Bender, Louis Tomlinson, Nick Grimshaw, Nsync circa 1995, Jack Sparrow. Admirable female trendsetters include: Lauren Conrad, Blake Lively, Michelle Obama, Alexa Chung, Raquel DeGroot circa the 1980s. It's hard to find a good medium. 


If you’re a girl and you want to dress like an awkward boy, or awkward person in general, I’ve listed out some of my favorite items of clothing, stuff that I think every girl should have in their closet! (Mother of Pearl, am I turning into Joan Rivers?!)

1. Plaid button downs. I wore a plaid skort throughout my private school years, and once I was out, I inadvertently switched it up. 

2. Any color button downs. V inexpensive at H&M. Layer under a cardigan to recreate the iconic Wednesday Addams look.

3. Denim button downs. Inspired by George Harrison who perfected the denim over denim ensemble to a T.

4. Denim jackets. Add to the denim over denim look for a triple threat. 

5. Minnie or Mickey Mouse ears. Always acceptable.

6. Black jeans. You can wear them weeks on end because they hide dirt longer than they should.

7. Footie pajamas/onesies. Need I say more?

8. Beanies. Tuck all of your hair into it. Now you look hard-edge. 

9. Maxi skirts. Pair with Uggs and a baggy shirt and you look like you voted yes on Amendment 64. 

10. Steve Carell sneakers. See picture below. When worn with leggings, they give off the allusion that you're fit and probably shop at Whole Foods.

There you have it? 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Traveling

My parents put me on a plane to Europe when I was one year old (they accompanied me of course). I think that's where my obsession with airports and planes and traveling began. And it only got worse when we moved to Belgium. I absolutely love traveling. It is one of my favorite things in the world and I wish I could hop on a plane at any given second and fly to wherever I wanted to. But that's not how life works is it!?!? *adjusts footie pajamas*

It's easy to sit at home every day and go through the daily routine of life, and for a lot of people that's what makes them happy. For others, mostly the restless ones like me, it's boring to be in one place for a long time. When I first started college and had to move myself into a puny, cave-resembling room, I was a little freaked out. I have to live in this town, seeing the same things and people every day for four years. That was just me being over-dramatic, it's really not bad at all! But I have an urge to travel, to see new areas of the world, and to immerse myself into different cultures. The two top places I want to go to next are India and Greece. And Japan. And Botswana. And Morocco. Just everywhere! And I already know I'm retiring in the countryside of Northern England.

I personally think that there is nothing better than having the ability to explore new places. Aren't you curious as to what's happening on the other side of the globe, in a third-world country? And how the people there live compared to us in the United States? I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this way!!!! *eats entire pumpkin pie*

"Travel. As much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life's not meant to be lived in one place."

Saturday, December 21, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Haim

Alexa Chung once said that there can only be one successful girl band at a time. If this is true, I still think the Spice Girls are on top. But Haim is a close second. And it's not pronounced "ham" or "haym", it's actually pronounced "hyme." Go figure!! Anyway, they are a rocking group of sisters who sound British, but aren't. They're white girls from LA who make rly great music! And they all have middle parts, so if that doesn't sell you, I don't know what will. I heard about them, yet again, via Twitter. They aren't that well-known to the masses, but they still have a fairly good following.

I can't listen to loud upbeat music when I'm studying. And listening to the Downton Abbey soundtrack (despite how wonderful it is) makes me sleepy. Haim is right in the middle for me because it's partially upbeat, but still kind of slow. It's great to listen to whilst writing a paper (if you can write with music) or putting your face on in the morning. I thoroughly recommend. 10/10. 100%. We need more women onstage with a guitar.

Here are a few of my favorite songs of theirs!


Don't Save Me

If I Could Change Your Mind

Thursday, December 19, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Places To Sleep Other Than Your Bed

All of my close friends live in the dorm next to me, so I rarely spend time in my own room. When I do, it's to sleep, and to shower every fortnight. Since we like stay up v late, laughing and yelling in chav accents, I usually end up crashing on Lyss' floor, and sometimes Kenz's. I've done it so often this semester that when I do sleep in my own real bed I'm uncomfortable and don't sleep well. I guess it's a gift to be able to fall asleep anywhere!

Because I'm lazy and can't really think straight this week (FINALS), I've made yet another list. A list of places to sleep other than your own bed:

1. The bathtub. I've done this before and it's surprisingly not bad. But without water.

2. A box. I've done this, too. In fifth grade I thought it would be cool, but I needed a bigger box.

3. The car. A lot of people don't like this, but I find it relaxing. Unless my neck is kinked. Then so help me God. 

4. In class. The only class I've fallen asleep in was drama, which is weird.

5. A movie theater. I've yet to catch a snooze here, but I'd choose a nice theater with recliners for this feat. Make sure it's during a Nicholas Sparks' film.

6. A beachside hammock in Cozumel. My experience would've been much better if a young Christopher Atkins was there.

7. On a plane. It makes your trip go by faster, but of course when you want to sleep here, you can't and you end up next to a small wailing child.

8. At a massage. The easiest place to catch some Zs. But be careful it's not one of those massages they try to sell you on in the middle of the mall. 

I'm so done with finals help

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Turtlenecks

Turtlenecks were popular back in my mother's day, yet she continues to wear them in these modern times. After being dressed in them on the daily during the first ten years of my life, I turned against this fashion piece for a good chunk of my adolescence. But recently I've come to appreciate the practicality of this medieval trend. If you're cold, it provides as a neck warmer. If you're self-conscious about your neck, they'll cover it right up whilst restoring your lost confidence at the same time. I'm anticipating the rise of the turtleneck mania in 2014. Let's manifest this together.

Below are some examples of turtlenecks done right and a few done wrong.

Hey is there room for two of us in there

Looks comfy, but I see nothing but ramen noodles.

Let me say this, if Alexa Chung says turtlenecks are okay, they are okay.

Definitely doing it right. 

Male pattern baldness does not come with, I'm hoping.

Have you seen anything more practical?!!!??!?!!111!?!

Eh, it's a no from me.

Vintage Oprah perfected the turtleneck look.

What is wrong with me.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Celebrity Twins

Yesterday my childhood crashed in front of my eyes when I was informed that Dylan Sprouse leaked nudes. Just kidding, I actually don't really care. But his renewed fame made me remember how much I loved The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and how much I adored Cole and Dylan (I was always fond of Cole until he started looking like a founding father). Then I realized how many of my favorite childhood shows starred twins in them: The Suite Life, Sister, Sister, and any movie/show with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. And as I sat criss-cross applesauce in a dorm lounge wearing yesterday's gym shorts and topknot, I wondered where these dynamic duos ended up. So I decided to do some research (Google), and see what they've been up to.

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

It seems as if they jumped off the radar for like a decade, but Google has told me otherwise! Apparently they've been doing a lot of fashion designing. They make appearances at fashion shows and trendy get-togethers and such. Recently, they launched a new fashion line in Oslo, Norway. Who woulda thunk that lil Michelle Tanner would end up at London Fashion Week? But they've seem to have lost their identical bangs and denim ensembles :(

Tia and Tamera Mowry

The Twitches have grown up and are now married with kids. What is this!? This is not what I tuned in to cable for!!! They're still wearing complimentary colored polos with flared out hair in my mind. Now one of them has a pixie cut and is probably a feminist. In 2011, they had a reality show that clearly didn't make it through the year. Idk, maybe it has, I haven't heard about it. Tia wrote a book about pregnancy that I haven't heard about either. There's not much about Tamera on Google except that she's a host on some talk show with a former Cheetah Girl. Reach for the stars!

Dylan and Cole Sprouse

In addition to revealing their carnal treasures to the masses, Cole and Dylan have been in hiding since the last Disney Channel Games. Upon their recent return, one has donned a ponytail and probably joined the feminist movement as well, and the other has turned out really well. Hey nice face Dylan!!! Keep your pants on though, my child. Somethings can't be unseen. They are both receiving higher education, from my understanding (Google), at NYU, where Cole is studying humanities and archaeology and Dylan is studying video game design. Nerd! (date me)

Monday, December 16, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Reading

When was the last time you picked up a book and read for a few hours without checking your phone? Last night I sat and read Tina Fey's biography for a while and put my phone on 'do not disturb' (which was pointless because practically no one texts me), then I laughed for ten minutes and went to bed. If you're stressed or really anxious or annoyed, I guarantee you that if you turn your phone off and read a book for at least 30 minutes, you'll feel better. There's nothing better than sitting in silence and diving into a good book.

Books have lost their appeal over time as we've turned to technology and media to sooth our boredom woes. I really hope our generation doesn't lose the pastime of reading because in my opinion, it's much more entertaining than watching a movie (but that depends on the book and the movie I suppose). I've heard a lot of people say that "reading is boring." Well, kind sir/ma'am, that is dependent upon you, and if you read something that's funny or entertaining to you, I promise that you'll find it to be the opposite of dull. I saw a quote once that was like "If you think reading is boring, you're doing it wrong." Think of it as a movie happening inside your head!

If you're struggling with the idea of reading because you don't find fun in it, I've procrastinated on studying for finals and have written a list of a few of my favorite "easy-read" books:

The Confessions of Georgia Nicolson by Louise Rennison
British humor but into teenage form. There's ten books and every one has made me wheeze from laughter.

The L.A. Candy Series by Lauren Conrad
For the LC fanatics. 

Where'd You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple

Bossypants by Tina Fey
Again, really funny, interesting, and slightly empowering.

The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green
You won't be able to put it down and you won't stop crying.

Had to stop myself because this isn't Oprah's book club. I've read too many books to have a favorite, but those are just a few of some easy, enjoyable reads. You could also read the Bible to cleanse your soul. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Witty Tweets

If you're one of those tweeters who tweets "Starbucks>>> " or "That awkward moment when the boy you like likes you back but you don't know haha #awk *three crying/laughing emoji faces" pls know that I'm silently judging you. Nahh, I'm not really judging you. I think a lot of people in our generation tweet about their day like so, and I guess I am part of that. But personally, I like the tweets that are witty and really weird. I'm being very hypocritical right now because most of my tweets are like "HAHA STILL SINGLE" or "Jennifer Lawrence just fell up the stairs #OscarsLive". However, the people I follow are very creative and make me wish I could come up with better thoughts in 140 characters or less.

Here's a list of my favorite Twitter accounts that you should follow:

@AwkGirlPrblms - puns even Mitt Romney would laugh at.

@zachbraff - who knew celebrities actually have hilarious personalities?

@lenadunham - witty, as she is a writer, and I relate to 80% of what she tweets.

@BabyAnimalPics - what's better than small creatures? NOTHING.

@robdelaney - if you like crude humor.

@LOHANTHONY - the epitome of teenage angst.

@MrsRupertPupkin - if you think I have a self-depracating sense of humor, check out hers.

@alexandergold - obsessed with pop culture and loves teenybop-ness and I want to be his BFF.

@PoonanjiMarsha - says the weirdest things that you can't help but laugh at.

@SimonCowell - doesn't seem like a jerk via the Internet.


PS: you can follow me here >:-}

Saturday, December 14, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Brevity

I heard about a boy who, under the "describe your characteristics" section of his college applications, wrote "brevity" and got into Brown.

Friday, December 13, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Being Single

If you know me, you'll know I'm full of self-depracating jokes that have probably already jinxed my love life. I spent the majority of my senior year either crying over this guy who never liked me back or complaining about how single I was. It was pathetically funny for a while until reality smacked me in the face and I discovered boys had cooties!!!! Cookies? No! Cooties! I actually just realized that I thoroughly enjoyed being alone. Our generation, especially the female population, has this idea that if we find a man and fall in love, our problems will suddenly disappear and we'll achieve true happiness. (I'm not saying I'm exempt from this because trust me, if Paul Rudd or JFK walked into my life, my problems would go away.) We've grown up watching Disney princesses find true love with their prince. We watched Lizzie and Gordo fall in love at the end of The Lizzie McGuire Movie. Even Juno ends up falling for awkward Paulie Bleeker and his track shorts! We're surrounded by the idea that in the end we'll fall in love and live in bliss for the rest of eternity. Well, sometimes there is no Paulie Bleeker or David Gordon in your life and you have to settle for the guy who makes omelets in the dining hall! (No offense, Teague.) The only movie I can think of off the top of my head where there's a character who ends up alone is Pretty In Pink, when Duckie is left because dumb Andie chooses appliance Blaine over him. Always a Duckie, never a Blaine, I whisper to the darkness. Also, I'm obsessed with Pretty In Pink.

Sometimes it sucks seeing all your friends get hit on when you're in the corner writing a blog about being single. But you gotta gird your loins and moisturize your shriveling ring finger and remind yourself that you're an independent woman who can open the door for herself and pay for her overpriced salads herself and hold her hand herself. (Except the other day, this guy told me I have a good complexion so maybe I'll get a New Years kiss after all!) Sadly, you don't always end up with the guy haha :( Unless your name is Alyssa Rusco and bachelors flock to you in the hundreds.

Rather than complain about your singularity like I just did, how about you celebrate your independence? It's your own independence day! Happy 4th! Congrats! Wow!

Here is a list of things that you can do when you're single that you can't do when you're in a relationship:
(compiled at 1 AM by two girls I found shivering outside singing Christmas carols)

"Dance with 10 different studs at the club without feeling guilty." -Anonymous (AKA Clarissa, who's never been to a club.)

"Suffer from turrets in peace." -Alyssa Rusco

Yell sweet nothings and throw small items at your horticulture TA.

"Lock eyes with the housing and dining service workers as they toast your sub." -Clarissa Davies

"Flash a group of Jehovah Witnesses." -Clarissa Davies

Fantasize about dead presidents. I'm not JFKidding around!

Go days without showering.

"Lust after Dylan Flippo I mean Sprouse and not feel guilty." -Mckenz... I mean Zara DeGroot

Fly to Nicaragua on impulse.

Experience the strange sense of contentment you get when you scare away yet another boy.

Constantly compare you and your friends' lives to The Inbetweeners.

Sit on a dorm room floor with your best friends and overdose on Martinelli's apple cider in goblets purchased from the $1 section at Target.

If you can do any of this whilst in a relationship, pls clone your significant other and SHARE.

On the contrary, if I get a boyfriend, I won't have any more good jokes, so idk.

The moral of this story is that if you're single, you're just fine, because I'm fine. For the most part. Not really mentally fine, but physically fine. My heart is still 3/4 whole. Really, I'm fine.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: The 1975

If you are a fan of the Arctic Monkeys or Vampire Weekend, or you just enjoy unpopular music, you should definitely check out the 1975. They're a British band who've been together for about ten years now. I first heard about them through Twitter when BBC Radio 1 tweeted a link to one of their LiveLounge performances. Their music is hard to describe. It's like alternative grunge, but slightly calming, and something that would be played in the end credits of a John Hughes film. Their album is one of my favorites and one of the few that I can listen to the entire way through and enjoy every song.

What I appreciate about them is that they take their form of art seriously. Matt Healy, the lead singer, said that every lyric of every song they've written has been born from an experience in his life, and every song on their album has at one point been his favorite. This is something he said about their music: "All of our records are like bottles of water from a stream. We haven't written an 'album' or an 'EP', we create a bottle and put it out there, the stream is always flowing. And we create constantly because we are always in the same room." Take from that what you will!

At first glance, they seem a bit odd. Especially Matt. But I think it's the odd ones who end up making the biggest difference. They came to Denver in October, and my friend Mckenzie and I ran into Matt and the drummer George outside before the show. A homeless man had approached them asking for money, and Matt gave him five dollars and then hugged him. Witnessing that small act of kindness from him to another man made me gain more respect for him, as a person and as a musician, and I'm always going to remember that. 


And here's a link to their LiveLounge performance. Spot on.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Ringo Starr

Like Zayn from One Direction, Ringo was the member of the Beatles who was and is often overlooked. He wasn't as big of a heartthrob as Paul or John were, and people think it was because he was the drummer of the band. That might've been true, but upon further research, I learned that Ringo replaced the Beatles' original drummer and his addition wasn't accepted by the masses at first. He's one of the two Beatles' still standing alongside Paul McCartney, who is not Jesse McCartney's father. What I find so interesting about Ringo is that he always seemed to be on the back burner with whatever he did. He was obviously a really talented musician, but he rarely had lead vocals. He was in another band before he joined the Beatles and John Lennon actually asked him to quit his band and drum for him, Paul, and George. And I guess it worked out for him!

Apparently he wasn't as popular in the UK as he was in America. All the girls here loved him here! Personally, I think he was v cute. And now he's a cute old man!

I don't really know what else to say about him except that when he was young he looked like my friend Matthew.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Normal-Sized Models

We've all heard the schpeel: a runway model's look is not what a normal, healthy woman should look like and we shouldn't be imitating them and their unhealthy habits to gain a better self-image and blah blah blah. But still, we all do that, don't we? I wish I had Cara Delevigne's or Candice Swanepoel's body, but they probably don't know the pleasure of eating Ben & Jerry's at 11 PM, so why bother, you know. The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was tonight, and while I was watching, I wondered "If these were plus-sized models, or just normal-sized models, would people still find it so intriguing?" And the answer is probably no, which I think is sad. However, I was quite surprised by the models in this year's show. In the past, the models have looked unfed and stick thin. All runway models look like this. But this year I noticed that the models weren't as thin as they usually are. They were still way smaller than the normal woman should be, but rather than looking unfed, they looked toned and fit. Rather than showing off their ribs, they showed off their abs. And there were a few models who actually had some hips, which is a step in the positive direction.

A few months ago, Whitney Thompson, the winner of the 10th cycle of America's Next Top Model, came to my school. She's a plus-sized model and she gave a presentation about the negative mental and physical health aspects of the modeling/fashion industry. She also shared with us some of the awful things modeling agencies and fashion designers have said about plus-sized models. I thought it was very interesting and I'm happy that someone like her is taking a stand on the issue. The Victoria's Secret models, who are called "angels", are some sort of delusional fantasy that many women try to imitate. They encompass what's unattainable for most females. It's a societal imbalance. We've been subconsciously told that this is what perfection is considered to be and if we can't look like it, then we aren't pretty or desirable. If these so called "angels" were plus-sized models, would you still try to imitate them? 

I was glad to see that the models in this year's show looked more healthy and fit. I think, and I hope, that it's the start of slowly progressing towards a more normal-sized modeling and fashion industry. I know that this topic has been repeated many-a-time and that I'm not being particularly creative with it, but I think it is something worth sharing! Like sorry I don't look like Kendall Jenner, but there's some cookies that need to be eaten.

Monday, December 9, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Locally Owned Coffee Shops

Downing a few cups of coffee or a double shot of espresso is the only way to survive finals week. Combine that with the Christmas season, and Starbucks seems to be getting all of our money this month. Unless you're like me and go to Starbucks very rarely because commercialized coffee is one of your biggest pet peeves. There's nothing wrong with Starbucks, unless you like burnt coffee and weak espresso. This past spring and summer, I worked at a locally owned coffee shop in my hometown. It was the best job I've ever had, not just because of the people who I worked with and the regulars who came in, but because I learned so much about coffee itself.

After working there and witnessing how the slightest things can alter the taste and quality of the coffee, I grew a strong distaste for commercial coffee companies and started to go to smaller coffee shops instead. Large coffee businesses make coffee solely to expand their company and get good numbers at the end of the year. They don't seem to care about the customer and their coffee as much as smaller local businesses, who make their coffee specifically for the enjoyment of the customer. Haven't you noticed that? Everything feels more relaxed in a cozy, local coffee shop whereas in a commercialized one, it's busy, stressed, and the customer service isn't as great. I don't know, maybe I'm just biased. But it's what I think. Personally, I'd rather pay a buck or so more on a cup of coffee that tastes like quality rather than pay for something that tastES BURNT!!!!!! So next time you have the option, I encourage you to choose a local coffee shop over Starbucks. Bring a book or a journal and just sit in there enjoying your cup of quality coffee. If you have a sucky experience, sorry. But you most likely won't. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: The 1980s

I don't know about you, but personally I think I was meant to live in the 80s. Since that won't happen cause life's unfair, the next best thing I can do is obsess over anything 80s related. Being a teenager in that era seemed simple and lighthearted, and I wish my friends and I could've been around for it. I love everything about the 80s: the music, the fashion, the movies.

There's something about the music from this generation. It's passionate. And whether that passion is optimistic or pessimistic, it made/makes people feel something strong. Bands like Van Halen and Guns N' Roses and The Smiths are classics to this day, and of course there's Queen and Journey. And the music in almost every film makes you feel invincible.

Some of my favorite 80s movies are the ones with Molly Ringwald, like The Breakfast Club and Pretty In Pink. They are such simple movies, but they make you feel so happy at the end! Except Pretty In Pink, because she belonged with Duckie, not Blaine ugh. And Ferris Bueller's Day Off is quoted like once a week here. One thing 80s movies, more specifically John Hughes' movies, had that we don't have as much anymore is male chivalry. Emma Stone's character said this in Easy A and she's completely correct. In these movies, the male character will do whatever they can to get the girl. And the movie ends with the happy 80s boy and his lady, whereas movies these days seem more dramatic about it. Oh well, life is life, things happen we'll get over it. In the words of Emma Stone, "John Hughes did not direct my life."

I think the fashion is my favorite part of the 80s. It's so colorful and perfectly cheesy. Although I wouldn't be able to pass up jogging shorts, baggy shirts and a fanny pack if the opportunity presented itself, I tend to gravitate more toward the awkward 80s boy look. John Bender from The Breakfast Club is my style icon and probably always will be. Denim and plaid will always be okay. I bet if more men dressed like him and washed their hair less, girls would be all over them. Or maybe that's just my personal male preference. One of my favorite 80s-inspired outfits would be jeans, a denim button down, and a denim jacket over it. Triple threat!! It'll never get old.

Moral of the story, let's all dress like Jane Fonda from her aerobic videos and cut our hair like a young Molly Ringwald. Also I'd like to point out that as I'm writing this my best friends are choreographing dances to High School Musical songs.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: SNL

I know very well that SNL is very popular. But frankly, I'm writing this because SNL tonight was f a n t a s t i c. And by f a n t a s t i c, I mean that One Direction was the musical guest. But that's not the entire reason. Paul Rudd hosted and I think we all forget how amazing he is sometimes. And he's ruggedly handsome, idk.

The show started with a mock of Carrie Underwood's Sound of Music Live. Kristen Wiig made an appearance as one of the Von Trapp children in her baby hands character. And Fred Armisen had a small part too. Where was Andy Samberg?! haha :( One Direction showed up during Paul Rudd's monologue. Then Will Ferrell, Steve Carrell and David Koechner joined them onstage completing the Anchorman foursome with Paul. Altogether the nine of them sang "Afternoon Delight." Brilliant. Completely fantastic.

But really, it is very rare you find Kristen Wiig, Steve Carrell, and Will Ferrell together on an SNL show nowadays. Also, Cecily Strong will never compare to Seth Meyers. And bring back Tina and Amy pls.

Friday, December 6, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Seaweed

Sushi is very popular in America, but seaweed isn't. Seaweed is sushi's blanket, but hardly gets any recognition as a food itself. Poor thing. Every time I've devoured a box of it as a midday snack, I've received disgusted looks and a chorus of "ewwwws" from my friends. Just because it is basically algae doesn't mean it's awful!! There are actually quite a few health benefits. It's an antioxidant and full of calcium and vitamins. But I only eat it because I think it's tasty and it doesn't weigh me down, meaning I can eat a full box of it without feeling like Blubbery Barb afterwards. Why do the weed when you can eat seaweed? I say.
So next time you're in the grocery store, KELP yourself out and purchase a box. Also, it's really sad I'm writing about seaweed on Friday night. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: PBS

If you didn't watch Arthur or Dragon Tales on PBS Kids when you were younger, you probably had an awful childhood. I don't know about you, but these shows crafted me into the woman I am today. I wouldn't have been able to tell time if it wasn't for Loonette's clock rug stretch on The Big Comfy Couch, and the lions from Between the Lions taught me the importance of proper grammar. When I heard the intro song to Arthur playing from my living room, my 7 year old problems would disappear and I got to live in a land of talking aardvarks for half an hour. Then, I could fly with dragons in the land apart. After that, I'd Cyberchase Hacker around Cyberspace with Matt, Jackie, and Inez. And I can't forget Zoom. To this day, I don't know exactly what Zoom was rather than a bunch of socially inept children getting together to play games.

I haven't heard much about PBS Kids anymore. It seems like PBS has grown up with our generation. Now the major shows on PBS include Downton Abbey and Rick Steves' Europe. We've left our Reading Rainbow and Maya and Miguel days and moved onto the post-Edwardian British social hierarchy and a middle-aged man running around Europe. That is, if you still watch PBS. Nowadays, we're glued to E!, either mocking the Kardashians or kissing Ryan Seacrest and Jason Kennedy through the screen. We must remember to look back on our halcyon days and never forget the prime animal/owner friendship Emily Elizabeth and Clifford the Big Red Dog taught us.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: The Inbetweeners

If you want British entertainment that will make you wheeze from laugher, watch The Inbetweeners. It was first a TV show, and all the episodes are on Netflix. They've also made a movie which we watched the other night. I haven't laughed that hard at a movie in a long time. It is not a popular show in the U.S., but those who've seen it here usually find it to be the best thing to enter their lives. I can attest. It has won various awards, including Best Sitcom and Outstanding Contribution to British Comedy at the British Comedy Awards. I don't know what any of those mean, but it sounds impressive.

The story is about a guy named Will Mckenzie (ha) and his three best friends. Will provides the voiceover throughout the episodes and the movie. Despite his supposed young age, he looks like a middle-aged man. He's uncomfortably awkward and often spouts out very offensive, yet innocent remarks. Although he's prone to make bad decisions, he's the most level-headed one. He is aware of his unattractiveness, which makes him pessimistic about his chances of finding love. Sounds familiar, idk.

Jay Cartwright is the most "boyish" of the group. He has the raunchiest, most immature sense of humor that will make you snort, whether you are uncomfortable or not. He is the least experienced of the group, but he acts like he is. He's pretty obliviously stupid and adds the most noticeable hilarity to the plot. 

Simon Cooper has a less crude sense of humor, but is the most neurotic character. He's so cute he almost seems like a puppy. He's definitely the most considerate, thoughtful, and sensitive one in the group. In the movie, his emotional distress adds to the humor of the plot. At times he seems so helpless you can't help but feel bad for him.

Last but not least, there's Neil Sutherland. He's the dim-witted friend of the group. He's very oblivious and gullible, but also very joyful. He causes many of the bad situations, but fails to realize it. His character is ironic because he's less obsessed with girls and sex than his friends, but he usually ends up getting the most action.

Pls go watch it, you won't regret it.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Zayn Malik

He's got the dark Pakistani features, his eyes are like pots of melted chocolate, his voice is like water being poured into a tall glass, and his quiff is always perfectly rectangular. Despite this, Zayn Malik is often the overlooked member of One Direction.

He is an artist, onstage and off, spending most of his free time painting and drawing. He's drawn the album artwork for all three of their albums. He appears to be quiet, but his bandmates say he's loud off-camera. Since he comes off as reserved, he doesn't receive quite as much attention as the rest, but it seems to be okay with him. As seen in the movie This Is Us, the movie documenting the behind-the-scene aspects of One Direction's fame, Zayn prefers to be alone. His absence in many 1D situations started the ongoing joke "where's Zayn?" He seems to be very mature for a 20 year old, and he recently got engaged. He can hit a high note like none other. Higher than a runway model's metabolism. Despite the fame the band has received, he keeps his personal life private. And I think that's what makes him so unique and intriguing.

No matter how he is perceived in the band, no one can deny his talent. He provides the strongest, most distinctive vocals to the group. He's an incredible musician, and seems to be a wonderful person as well.

"I want to drizzle Zayn's body with dark chocolate." -Clarissa Davies

"Give Zayn more credit!!!" -credit card companies

"I like Zayn." -Raquel DeGroot & Linda Davies

Monday, December 2, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Bangs

Bangs were a glamorized hairstyle in the 80s and 90s. It was a hip trend seen on everyone from Suzanne Somers to Keith Richards to this girl on the right. Nowadays, I see very few women, and men, rocking the fringe. It seems like bangs are considered "dorky" or "childish." That may be so, but what's so wrong with looking like you have a backwards bowl cut? I say, if you want a sheet of hair covering your forehead, go for it. You can make it vintage. I definitely wish they were more popular than they are. :(

Here's a few of my favorites rocking the 80s hair with no shame. Take notes:

We were mad she chose Blaine over Duckie, but we were still rooting for her droopy mushroom hair.


I always knew I loved him for more than one reason!

I had this haircut for the first five years of my life!

50% bangs, 50% face.

A bit too much forehead action with the bangs and the eyebrows, but eh.

AND I'M OFF WITH A BANG! (hahahahahahaaHAHAHAahaah) <:-}

Sunday, December 1, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Footie Pajamas

I would like to formally welcome you to the 25 Days of the Unpopular! For the next 25 days, I'll be posting once a day about something that is not popular, but should be. An odd little Christmas countdown! Some of these topics will be Christmas themed, some will not. Here's what I think: there are so many things out there that are very cool and practical, but they go unnoticed because it isn't the current "trend." Since this is the season of love, why not show these oddities a little affection? Plus, I think it's fun heh.

To start off, I'm going with a favorite of mine: footie pajamas. More specifically, Christmas themed footie pajamas. Nothing brings out the holiday spirit like festive ensembles. I own two pairs and I know of nothing that brings me more happiness. You're technically not wearing pants, but you're covered so it's still socially acceptable. If you're looking for a sensible Christmas gift for your beffie, your significant other, your mother, your father, your crazy uncle Dave, your dog, yourself, this is the perfect idea.

Someday footie pajamas will be a major trend on the runway and on the red carpet, so you better jump on this bandwagon sooner rather than later!