Thursday, December 19, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Places To Sleep Other Than Your Bed

All of my close friends live in the dorm next to me, so I rarely spend time in my own room. When I do, it's to sleep, and to shower every fortnight. Since we like stay up v late, laughing and yelling in chav accents, I usually end up crashing on Lyss' floor, and sometimes Kenz's. I've done it so often this semester that when I do sleep in my own real bed I'm uncomfortable and don't sleep well. I guess it's a gift to be able to fall asleep anywhere!

Because I'm lazy and can't really think straight this week (FINALS), I've made yet another list. A list of places to sleep other than your own bed:

1. The bathtub. I've done this before and it's surprisingly not bad. But without water.

2. A box. I've done this, too. In fifth grade I thought it would be cool, but I needed a bigger box.

3. The car. A lot of people don't like this, but I find it relaxing. Unless my neck is kinked. Then so help me God. 

4. In class. The only class I've fallen asleep in was drama, which is weird.

5. A movie theater. I've yet to catch a snooze here, but I'd choose a nice theater with recliners for this feat. Make sure it's during a Nicholas Sparks' film.

6. A beachside hammock in Cozumel. My experience would've been much better if a young Christopher Atkins was there.

7. On a plane. It makes your trip go by faster, but of course when you want to sleep here, you can't and you end up next to a small wailing child.

8. At a massage. The easiest place to catch some Zs. But be careful it's not one of those massages they try to sell you on in the middle of the mall. 

I'm so done with finals help

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