Tuesday, December 24, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Middle-Aged Male Celebrities

Did you know Paul Rudd was 43 years old!? Or should I say Paul Stud? ;) Don't look at me!!!!! He's a middle-aged man, but still one of the most good looking specimens left on Earth. I don't think he gets enough credit as an actor or a comedian. In movies, he's often alongside actors like Steve Carell or other big name comedians. I think he's a great, but not just for his face. In the words of Clarissa Davies, it is "disturbing to find out [he] is married."

Love Actually is my favorite movie and Hugh Grant's role makes it all the better. Maybe it's his British accent or his perfectly salt and peppery hair or his sparkly eyes, I don't know. All I know is that he's 53 (not in this picture) and has aged better than Mick Jagger. Hugh Grant me three wishes and you'll be all of them. God bless the United Kingdom!!!!
Despite the minor fact that he's gay, I'd marry Nick Grimshaw in a heartbeat. I adore him and my dream job is to work at the same radio station as him- BBC Radio 1. He has one of the best British accents, has a wheezy laugh like me, and his hair always looks so voluptuous. That's why I consider him my spirit animal!!!! Doesn't a spirit animal have to be an actual animal, you ask. NO, I say. I feel like if I were a man, I'd be him. I'll just admire from afar haha :(
I should go to Target now, taaaa! In the words of the Brits, x

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