Friday, December 6, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Seaweed

Sushi is very popular in America, but seaweed isn't. Seaweed is sushi's blanket, but hardly gets any recognition as a food itself. Poor thing. Every time I've devoured a box of it as a midday snack, I've received disgusted looks and a chorus of "ewwwws" from my friends. Just because it is basically algae doesn't mean it's awful!! There are actually quite a few health benefits. It's an antioxidant and full of calcium and vitamins. But I only eat it because I think it's tasty and it doesn't weigh me down, meaning I can eat a full box of it without feeling like Blubbery Barb afterwards. Why do the weed when you can eat seaweed? I say.
So next time you're in the grocery store, KELP yourself out and purchase a box. Also, it's really sad I'm writing about seaweed on Friday night. 

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