Sunday, December 1, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Footie Pajamas

I would like to formally welcome you to the 25 Days of the Unpopular! For the next 25 days, I'll be posting once a day about something that is not popular, but should be. An odd little Christmas countdown! Some of these topics will be Christmas themed, some will not. Here's what I think: there are so many things out there that are very cool and practical, but they go unnoticed because it isn't the current "trend." Since this is the season of love, why not show these oddities a little affection? Plus, I think it's fun heh.

To start off, I'm going with a favorite of mine: footie pajamas. More specifically, Christmas themed footie pajamas. Nothing brings out the holiday spirit like festive ensembles. I own two pairs and I know of nothing that brings me more happiness. You're technically not wearing pants, but you're covered so it's still socially acceptable. If you're looking for a sensible Christmas gift for your beffie, your significant other, your mother, your father, your crazy uncle Dave, your dog, yourself, this is the perfect idea.

Someday footie pajamas will be a major trend on the runway and on the red carpet, so you better jump on this bandwagon sooner rather than later!

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