Monday, December 9, 2013

25 Days of the Unpopular: Locally Owned Coffee Shops

Downing a few cups of coffee or a double shot of espresso is the only way to survive finals week. Combine that with the Christmas season, and Starbucks seems to be getting all of our money this month. Unless you're like me and go to Starbucks very rarely because commercialized coffee is one of your biggest pet peeves. There's nothing wrong with Starbucks, unless you like burnt coffee and weak espresso. This past spring and summer, I worked at a locally owned coffee shop in my hometown. It was the best job I've ever had, not just because of the people who I worked with and the regulars who came in, but because I learned so much about coffee itself.

After working there and witnessing how the slightest things can alter the taste and quality of the coffee, I grew a strong distaste for commercial coffee companies and started to go to smaller coffee shops instead. Large coffee businesses make coffee solely to expand their company and get good numbers at the end of the year. They don't seem to care about the customer and their coffee as much as smaller local businesses, who make their coffee specifically for the enjoyment of the customer. Haven't you noticed that? Everything feels more relaxed in a cozy, local coffee shop whereas in a commercialized one, it's busy, stressed, and the customer service isn't as great. I don't know, maybe I'm just biased. But it's what I think. Personally, I'd rather pay a buck or so more on a cup of coffee that tastes like quality rather than pay for something that tastES BURNT!!!!!! So next time you have the option, I encourage you to choose a local coffee shop over Starbucks. Bring a book or a journal and just sit in there enjoying your cup of quality coffee. If you have a sucky experience, sorry. But you most likely won't. 

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